Da: 17/10/2024
A: 25/10/2024
Scadenza iscrizioni: 10/10/2024
The present course stems from the need to deepen and broaden our knowledge and understanding of the diverse forms of extremism and radicalization in contemporary societies, which require to be analyzed and tackled with theoretical and methodological tools that are capable of keeping pace with the everchanging nature of the threat.
The course is divided into different modules aiming to identify, analyze, and explore radicalization dynamics, tools and strategies for preventing and countering extremism, and contemporary and future trends.
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Understanding extremism in a changing world
All participants, through teaching methodologies suitable for both the topics of study and the online context, will be able to achieve a
high-profile training level on radicalisation and extremism issues, increasing both their background and professional and cultural one.
Outgoing SKILLS
Time and location
Module 1: Radicalization, counter-radicalization, and de-radicalization: theoretical framework (4h)
Module 2: Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) (4h)
Module 3: Counter-radicalization and de-radicalization: contemporary experiences (4h)
Module 4: Radicalization and change (4h)
Certificate of participation
A minimum attendance of 75% is required
How to apply
To register for the course, please proceed online from the website using the ISCRIVITI button at the top right of the current page.
The payment can be made by:
The registration fee is non-refundable except in the case of non-activation of the course and in any case within the following terms:
Contact Us:
Formazione permanente, via Carducci 28/30 - Milano
Tel. +39 02.7234 5818/5701